BC: Kamloops Voters Reject Theatre Tax Hike

Author: Jordan Bateman 2015/11/09

Much to the dismay of the usual coalition of tax and spend city councillors and elitists, Kamloops taxpayers voted down a proposed $90 million theatre and 2% property tax hike. The NO side won by 8 points, 54-46.

Over the past few months, our office heard from many Kamloops residents who opposed the theatre. For some it was too big. For others, it was too expensive. Some were worried about adding more debt load. Over and over again, we heard that Kamloops property taxes were already too high. 

Needless to say, we weren't surprised by the result - a big win when you consider the entrenched interests supporting the theatre had the bigger incentive to turn out and vote.

We see this as just another reminder to the governing class that taxpayers want government to focus on bread and butter issues. People are too cash strapped to worry about the "nice-to-haves"; they want a focus on core infrastructure and service. 

Stick to your knitting, city councils. 

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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